disk scanner windows
disk scanner windows

MacroritDiskScannerisafreeandsmartdiskscannerhelpsyoufastcheckbadsectors,scandisk,surfacetestandmarkthelocationofbadsectorswhen ...,DiskScanner.Checkharddrivephysicalbadsectors.disk-scanner.Roll-Back.fromunexpectedsituations.Cancelatwill.Atanytim...

Macrorit Disk Scanner v6.7.3 繁體中文版

2024年4月19日—MacroritDiskScanner是一款智慧型磁碟壞軌檢測工具,可快速掃描磁碟並標示壞軌的位置。程式係以綠色來表示沒有毀損的磁區,而以紅色表示毀損的磁 ...

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Check Hard Disk for Bad Sectors

Macrorit Disk Scanner is a free and smart disk scanner helps you fast check bad sectors, scan disk, surface test and mark the location of bad sectors when ...

Disk management tools for Windows

Disk Scanner. Check hard drive physical bad sectors. disk-scanner. Roll-Back. from unexpected situations. Cancel at will. At anytime without data loss. Truly ...

Disk Scanner - Ariolic Software

Freeware disk scan with bad files list. Disk Scanner is able to scan any disk which you see in Windows. It can be a built in ATA or SSD hard drive or ...

Macrorit Disk Scanner 6.7.3 Technician Edition 多國語言免 ...

2024年4月20日 — 總的來說,Macrorit Disk Scanner 可以很好地替代標準的Windows 硬盤驅動器測試方法,提供更友好的用戶介面、良好的性能和可視化的數據顯示。 官方 ...

Macrorit Disk Scanner 6.7.3 免安裝中文版

Macrorit Disk Scanner Free 是一款檢查硬碟是否有壞軌的免費工具,可幫您快速測試硬碟並標記壞軌的位置。所謂壞軌就是無法讀取的某一個區域或者區塊,我們應該定期用 ...

Macrorit Disk Scanner Download Free

2024年4月18日 — It is compatible with all recent versions of Microsoft Windows - both client and server and supports major storage device types such as IDE, ...

Macrorit Disk Scanner Free Edition 6.7.3 可攜式版

Macrorit Disk Scanner Free Edition · 軟體版本: 6.7.3 可攜式版 · 軟體分類: 205系統工具 (磁碟工具) · 語言介面: 多國語言 · 作業系統: Windows(含Win11) · 軟體性質: 免費 ...

Macrorit Disk Scanner Pro + Edition

Portable Disk Scanning Software; Supports Windows 11/10/8/7/XP/Vista; [Unlimited Edition] Windows SBS 2012/2011/2008/2003; [Unlimited Edition] Supports Windows ...

Macrorit Disk Scanner v6.7.3 繁體中文版

2024年4月19日 — Macrorit Disk Scanner 是一款智慧型磁碟壞軌檢測工具,可快速掃描磁碟並標示壞軌的位置。程式係以綠色來表示沒有毀損的磁區,而以紅色表示毀損的磁 ...


MacroritDiskScannerisafreeandsmartdiskscannerhelpsyoufastcheckbadsectors,scandisk,surfacetestandmarkthelocationofbadsectorswhen ...,DiskScanner.Checkharddrivephysicalbadsectors.disk-scanner.Roll-Back.fromunexpectedsituations.Cancelatwill.Atanytimewithoutdataloss.Truly ...,Freewarediskscanwithbadfileslist.DiskScannerisabletoscananydiskwhichyouseeinWindows.ItcanbeabuiltinATAorSSDharddriveor ...,...